
Today we start our new Creativity Ray, Amazing Ancient Trees, trees that live over 1000 years

Game – How long can they live?

Today we are looking at the olive tree. Show a branch (it doesn’t have olives yet because it needs to have been growing for about 40 years before it fruits).

Video 1650+ year Old Olive Tree

How would you describe the tree?

Have you heard of the painter Van Gogh (sunflowers, starry night)? When he had bad mental health, he booked himself into an asylum in France and spent a lot of time painting the olive trees in its grounds.

He was fascinated by the way the sunlight changed the colours of the trees and by their wonderful gnarled trunks (show a picture). You can try and copy some of his pictures later.


The Olive Tree


Children hold up cards showing animals/plants and other children put them in order of lifespan (maximum)

  • house mouse – 4 years
  • dog – 29 years
  • cat – 38 years
  • polar bear – 42 years
  • Asian elephant – 86 years
  • Macaw – 100 years
  • Galapagos tortoise – 190 years
  • bowhead whale – 245 years
  • bristlecone pine tree – 4862 years
  • human – 122 years

Give answers

Why do some things live longer?

  • cold – everything slower
  • small animals are prey – put more energy into having babies

Why can some trees live so long?

  • grow slowly
  • can regrow lost parts (have meristems)
  • can pause growth when conditions are bad

Crafts & Activities

Tree Bingo
Olive Wreath Crowns
Van Gogh Style Painting
Olive Sandwiches
