Introduction to the Caribbean
Welcome to our new Our World Ray - The Caribbean. Over the coming weeks we shall be exploring every aspect of the Caribbean from its location, to its food, to its music and much more.Like many other parts of the world, its history and culture have been significantly influenced by European colonisation and some Caribbean islands are still owned by a European country and are therefore part of the EU.
Session 1
The Caribbean

Sit round the map on the floor who can find the Caribbean not so simple. The countries have varied histories culture wealth language politics. What they have in common is that they were conquered and plundered by European countries Britain France Spain Holland which changed their history forever.

Testing text tab 2 – 1
Set in a circle on the floor and pass round the world ball. As the ball gets to you, think of a country with the next letter of the alphabet EG Afghanistan Belgium and so on;
Testing games text tab 2 – 1