The Oak Tree
Quercus robur (the English or European oak) has an important part to play, both in the ecology and in the culture of the British Isles. As well as growing in Europe, where it is native, it has been cultivated in Australia and the USA. There are about 500 other species of oak around the northern hemisphere, some of which are evergreen and some deciduous.Session 4
Amazing Ancient Trees

Does anyone know what kind of tree is on the grass in front of the hall?
It is an oak tree, and it has probably been there since the hall was built. How long can oak trees live? Some have been estimated to live at least 1000 years, but it depends on the species of oak (there are about 500 species around the world).
The Strong Oak
One of the things that oaks are famous for is their strength.
Game – arm wrestling
Oak trees are strong because they can withstand all kinds of weather and because their timber is strong and good for building.
Why are they good at withstanding storms and drought? – amazing root systems. They are also the tree that is most likely to be struck by lightning (water content and tall). Because of this they were associated with powerful gods who were in charge of thunder and lightning.

Has anyone seen a pub called the Royal Oak or perhaps the street called Royal Oak Way or Gardens? They are named after a historic event that happened in Worcestershire.
We now have King Charles III, but do you know about King Charles II? In the 17th century he was in conflict with rebel forces led by Oliver Cromwell who didn’t believe in the Monarchy. There was a famous battle in Worcester when the Roundheads won, and King Charles had to hide from them. The safest place to hide seemed to be an oak tree so he hid in the branches until the Roundheads had left. A descendant of the tree still exists.
Two teams vie to hide as many ‘acorns’ as possible under a blanket