Topic: Lickswishy Science

About this Topic
Lickswishy Science – science inspired by the books of Roald Dahl.
Each session in this series will enlighten you with some facts about Roald Dahl’s amazing life, give you a brief summary of one of his children’s books (he wrote lots of books for adults
too!) and offer you some themed experiments which you can try for yourselves at home.
George’s Marvellous Medicine
Welcome to the first of our Starfish on our Science and Technology Ray – Lickswishy Science - science inspired by the books of Roald Dahl. Each Starfish in the series will enlighten you with some fa…

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
We will be taking a peek inside Willy Wonka’s famous chocolate factory and finding out how real chocolate and confectionery can be just as exciting and ‘magical’ as his wonderful creations. But …

This session is about a special powers. Superheroes in comic books and on the big screen have superpowers like flight, super strength and living forever, but real-life humans may possess powers that a…

Prepare to find out all about your dreams (the ones you have at night, not the ones you wish for although those are important too). We will be finding out how the BFG gives children their dreams in th…

James and the Giant Peach
This session's science inspiration comes from James and the Giant Peach, Roald Dahl's very first children's book (he had previously written for adults). The book features scenes from the Dahl familyâ€â€¦

The Twits
This session's Roald Dahl story is about two of the meanest people you are ever likely to meet – Mr and Mrs Twit (from The Twits). They have been mean for so long that the meanness has contorted the…

Revolting Recipes
As we near the end of our Lickswishy Science, we turn to Revolting Recipes, a wonderful collection of recipes inspired by the many foods mentioned in Roald Dahl’s children's stories and written down…

The Witches
I have really enjoyed revisiting a selection of Roald Dahl books and using them as a springboard for science investigations and experiments. In this session we shall be finding out about a rather seas…